The ALaRI research group of Università della Svizzera italiana (Lugano, Switzerland) participated in a number of national and EU research projects related to: post-quantum security; cyber-physical system design methodologies; system-level design methodologies for embedded system; security for self-adaptive pervasive devices; security and high-level metrics for NoC architectures; security design methodologies for secure cryptographic coprocessors and embedded systems; efficient and comprehensive security policies for mobile systems design. ALaRI was also a founding member of the ICT COST Action IC1204 “Trustworthy Manufacturing and Utilization of Secure Devices” ALaRI, since its creation, has worked intensively on embedded systems design methodology and architectures, focusing on design space exploration, on-chip communication, security, reconfigurable hardware design, modelling and self adaptivity applied to embedded systems (used especially for fault tolerance). The outcome of the research resulted in more than 150 publications at international top level conferences and journals as well as in the application of 3 patents on the topic. On the other hand, the institute was also active in studying detection of attacks at software level using anomaly detection proposing in particular a novel methodology for malware detection in mobile systems. The methodology can be customized to optimize a metric that consider different parameters such as detection time, power, and detection accuracy.
Francesco Regazzoni is assitant professor at University of Amsterdam and Group Leader at Università della Svizzera italiana. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from USI in 2010, and his M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 2003. Dr. Regazzoni has been visiting researcher at NEC Labs America, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, EFPL Lausanne, andNanyang Technological University Singapore, and assistant researcher at Universitè Catholique de Louvain and Delft University of Technology. He is principal investigator and project leader at USI of three Horizon 2020 projects (SAFECrypto ICT644729, CERBERO ICT732105, CPSoSaware ICT871738). He was one of the founding members of the TRUDEVICE COST action dealing with hardware security and was actively involved in Swiss National Foundation, Nanotera framework and Swiss Innovation projects. His research spansthe areas of design and verification tools, focusing on security. He has published more than 100 peer reviewed papers on design automation for physical security, countermeasure against physical attacks, and design of optimized hardware and software for security. He has been invited to give two keynote talks (SAC 2016 and Cryptarchi 2012), to participate in five panels (including ISSCC 2017 and IEEE CEDA on CAD for Assurance 2021), and he is or was program committee member of top conferences in the field ofdesign automation and security, including CHES, HOST, DATE, CODES, ICCAD. He was the program committee chair of FDTC 2017 and COSADE 2020 and the general chair of CARDIS 2017 and COSADE 2021.
Kartik Nayak is a PhD student at the Faculty of Informatics at the Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland. He received his bachelor’s degree in Engineering (BE) from B.M.S. College of Engineering (autonomous institute affiliated to VTU), Bengaluru, India in Electronics and Communication Engineering and his master’s degree (M.Sc.) from Universität Stuttgart, Germany in Information Technology (specialisation: Embedded Systems) in 2021. His master thesis evaluated the effectiveness and relevance of logic locking on a family of approximate circuits. His current interests are in the field of hardware security, especially the the challenges posed to hardware security in heterogeneous computing, and the opportunities provided the computing paradigm for better design of security.
MAIN activities
USI will lead WP3 and will be strongly involved in WP4. The main focus of USI will be on developing the security support to be integrated in data management techniques, especially focusing on protecting the data storage and communication designing the dedicated cryptographic routines and the monitors needed for detecting attacks. USI will also contribute to the dissemination maintaining the project web presence and will provide experience on deep learning for supporting the decision-making process of the different use cases.