12 January, 2024
EVEREST at hipeac
HiPEAC24 starts in one week
Join the EVEREST Project and DAPHNE EU Project workshop on Design and Programming High-performance, distributed, reconfigurable and heterogeneous platforms for extreme-scale analytics
Location: Munich, Germany
Date: 19 January 2024
Time: 10:00-5:30
More info and presentations here:
Speakers: Christian Pilato from Politecnico di Milano, Matthias Boehm from Technische Universität Berlin, Stephen Neuendorffer from AMD, Jeronimo Castrillon from Technische Universität Dresden, Raffaele Montella from University of Naples ‘Parthenope’, Torsten Hoefler from ETH Zürich, Francesco Regazzoni from University of Amsterdam and USI Università della Svizzera italiana, Antonella Galizia from CNR-IMATI, Tom Slooff from USI Università della Svizzera italiana, Karl Friebel from Technische Universität Dresden, Jonas Henrique M. Korndorfer from University of Basel, Niclas Hedam from University of Copenhagen (Københavns Universitet), Aleš Zamuda from Univerza v Mariboru and Piotr Ratuszniak from Intel Corporation Poland
13 October, 2023
EVEREST at pollutec
Fabien Brocheton from numtech joined the largest show on solutions for the environment – Pollutec. The event took place from 10 to 13 October in Lyon, France. He took this opportunity to also present the EVEREST project. More info here
6 October, 2023
EVEREST project meeting
The 5th and 6th October were crucial for the partners of the EVEREST project. The consortium gathered for the technical meeting hosted at IBM Zurich Research Lab. The meeting was held in the hybrid mode to allow also partners not able to come to Zurich to participate online. The project partners checked the status of the ongoing work, which led to various discussions. The meeting served to prepare the steps needed for the release of the EVEREST SDK, discuss the project results, and plan the work in the final phase of the project.
22 September, 2023
EVEREST at ecml
Let´s take a look back at the ITEM Workshop, which was part of the ECML conference in Turin. Burkhard Ringlein from IBM Research – Zurich gave a keynote “Operation Set Architectures for low-latency ML inference using FPGAs”. He explained how FPGAs could help with challenging ML scenarios at #IoT and Edge and presented recent innovations of the EVEREST Project system development kit to simplify the use of FPGAs in such complex workflows. More info about the keynote here
25 July, 2023
best paper award
The IEEE 2023 International Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems took place from 10 to 12 July at the University of Genoa in Italy.
Stefano Cirici from VIRTUAL OPEN SYSTEMS presented there the paper “SVFF: An Automated Framework for SR-IOV Virtual Function Management in FPGA Accelerated Virtualized Environments” which won the best paper award. The framework has been developed in the EVEREST Project and it enables sharing of FPGA’s PCIe functionalities (kernels) among different VMs.
You can find the paper here
21 July, 2023
Distinguished Artifact Award
Felix Suchert from Technische Universität Dresden and his colleagues presented their most recent work at ECOOP23 and their paper “ConDRust: Scalable Deterministic Concurrency from Verifiable Rust Programs” received the Distinguished Artifact Award!
Their paper explores a compiler transforming sequential compositions into parallel ones, enabling verification and providing scalable deterministic concurrency. The work is connected to the EVEREST Project, which forms the foundation for providing scalable performance while retaining determinism in use cases such as traffic modelling.
The paper and artefacts are a joint product of Sebastian Ertel, Lisza Zeidler and Jeronimo Castrillon and can be found here
30 June, 2023
Everest at EUDAT Summer School
The EVEREST use case was introduced to the international students of the EUDAT Summer School which takes place from 26 to 30 June in Kajaani, Finland. The summer school welcomes students from mainly European countries, and it is divided into providers´ and users´ tracks offering interesting lessons with hands-on sessions. Jan Martinovič and Martin Golasowski from IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center joined the summer school as trainers, and they presented the LEXIS Platform and its connection to the EVEREST use case in a session titled “Enabling complex workflows for analysis”.
25 May, 2023
Everest at ISC High Performance
The ISC High Performance, which is considered Europe´s most significant event regarding high-performance computing, machine learning and high-performance data analytics, took place this week in Hamburg. The EVEREST project was promoted there via the booth of IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center no. B209.
23 May, 2023
Everest at ITS European Congress
Meet our partners Sygic and IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center from 22 to 24 May at ITS European Congress in Lisabon and find out more about the EVEREST Project.
Radim Cmar invites you to the booth of the Sygic company. He will enlighten you about smart mobility, smart city traffic computation platform and the EVEREST traffic use case. Katerina Slaninova and Jan Martinovič from IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center will inform you about the EVEREST project, its activities and the traffic simulator which is being developed with the Sygic company.
17 April, 2023
Everest at date 2023
Are you planning to join the DATE 2023 conference? Don´t miss the PhD Forum! Serena Curzel and Stephanie Soldavini will introduce their posters and introduce activities of the EVEREST Project.
The DATE conference is the premier European event bringing together designers and users of design automation, researchers and vendors, and specialists in hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems.
24 March, 2023
Renewable-energy prediction use case
Within the EVEREST Project the model for forecasting electricity generated by a wind farm was developed from scratch. The choice of the machine learning algorithm is critical for the accuracy of the model. Read the article and find out more about this topic here.
22 March, 2023
EVEREST project collaboration
The cooperation between the European projects is crucial. Read about the collaboration of the EVEREST Project with the partners previously involved in the LEXIS Project here.
10 March, 2023
EVEREST project meeting in bratislava

3 March, 2023
Article on the energy prediction use case
➡ link
6 February, 2023
The EVEREST project presented at the EBDVF 2022
The flagship event of the European Big Data Value and Data-Driven AI Research and Innovation community took place from 21-23 November 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic with a central theme “At the Heart of the Ecosystem for Data and AI”. Being held on-site since 2019, this event offered 46 sessions with nearly 300 speakers creating a fruitful environment to celebrate achievements, form new collaborations and plan directions for data-driven innovation.
The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF 2022) was organised under the auspices of the Czech European Council presidency by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and our partner IT4Innovations as one of the co-organisers. The IT4Innovations´ CEO Vít Vondrák gave one of the opening speeches and Kateřina Slaninová from IT4Innovations led the session “HPC, data and AI joining forces to support the main challenges of the new digital era” joined by famous names including Anders Dam Jensen, Vít Vondrák, Jean-Pierre Panziera, Laure Le Bars, Hahn Thomas and Josef Šivic who discussed the role of European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking in the joint effort with big data and AI community supporting main European challenges by providing the most powerful computing and data infrastructure in Europe.
The EVEREST project was given a space to shine at the EBDVF 2022 and, it prepared a session “EVEREST SDK: High-Performance, Distributed, Reconfigurable and Heterogeneous Platforms for Extreme-Scale Data Analytics” which took place on 23 November 2022. Kateřina Slaninová moderated this session which introduced the EVEREST System Development Kit (SDK) to the Big Data community and Christian Pilato, Antonella Galizia, Riccardo Cevasco, Radim Cmar gave their presentations which explained the progress of the project in the last year.
The EBDVF 2022 hosted over 400 participants from the European community for research and innovation in big data and artificial intelligence and the planning of the EBDVF 2023 is in full swing with Valencia being the next destination.
6 February, 2023
Introduction of the EVEREST project at SC22
The biggest high-performance computing event of the last year, Supercomputing Conference 2022, provided an opportunity for scientists, supercomputing centres, companies, and HPC enthusiasts to meet again. The main theme for SC22 was „HPC Accelerates“.
The Supercomputing Conference took place from 13 to 18 November 2022, and it covered high-performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis. The international conference welcomed participants at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, USA, but most sessions were synchronously live-streamed. The EVEREST project and its activities were promoted via the booth of IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center. The conference-goers had an opportunity to watch our presentation, look at our leaflet, and grab the EVEREST stickers or beer coasters.
The EVEREST project was also promoted by the EVEREST poster “Traffic Flow Optimization in Smart Cities: Leveraging HPC Resources for Automatic Design Space Exploration” which was presented by Martin Šurkovský, Kateřina Slaninová, and Jan Martinovič. They explained the aim of the EVEREST project to the attendees and answered all curious questions asked by the visitors of the poster section.
The Supercomputing Conference always includes the announcement of the latest TOP500, Green500, and HPCG lists. The first place remains to the Frontier supercomputer, which is the first supercomputer ever to break the magic 1 exaflop level. The second place belongs to the Fugaku supercomputer and the third in the ranking is LUMI supercomputer.
The SC22 featured 361 exhibit booths on the show floor and welcomed in total 11,830 high-performance computing professionals. We look forward to meeting many of them at the next Supercomputing Conference, which will be held in Denver, USA, from 12 to 17 November 2023.
17 January, 2023
EVEREST workshop
Workshop on Design and Programming High-performance, distributed, reconfigurable and heterogeneous platforms for extreme-scale analytics at the HiPEAC conference, 10 AM – 5:30 PM, Toulouse
More info:

28 November, 2022
EVEREST seminar
16 November, 2022
EVEREST presentation at SC22
More info here.

10 November, 2022
EVEREST presentations in Prague
European Big Data Value Forum 2022
– Session: Everest SDK: High-Performance, Distributed, Reconfigurable and Heterogeneous Platforms for Extreme-Scale Data Analytics
– November 23, 9 – 10 CEST
– Prague, Grandior Hotel, Conference room 3
More info and registration here:
Visit EBDVF in Prague and join the session which is preparing the EVEREST Project!
Speakers: Christian Pilato from Politecnico di Milano, Radim Cmar from Sygic, Antonella Galizia from CIMA Research Foundation, Riccardo Cevasco from Duferco Energia SpA, Fabien Brocheton from numtech and Katerina Slaninova from IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center
18 October, 2022
EVEREST meeting in dresden
We have gathered in Dresden for the technical meeting of the EVEREST Project. This time we have created working groups and dealt with current project hot topics. The aim of the working groups was to:
– check the status of ongoing work,
– exchange information,
– discuss in depth hot topics and
– plan action points for the nearest future.
30 September, 2022
EVEREST at researchers' night
The use case of the EVEREST Project was presented at the Researchers´ Night in Slovakia. Radim Cmar from Sygic joined the panel discussion and advised How to survive the climate crisis in unsustainable cities.
30 September, 2022
EVEREST Summer School
Around 30 participants arrived at the Summer school of the EVEREST Project, which was organised in the Villa Grumello at the Lake Como in Italy. Experts and PhD students were discussing mainly big data analytics, scientific computing and heterogeneous platforms.
The summary of the EVEREST Summer school:
– 5 conference days
– 12 invited speakers
Alessio Merlo, Christoph Hagleitner, Dieter Kranzlmueller, Enrico Bazzi, Gabriele Provana, Jan Martinovič, Jeronimo Castrillon, Lana Josipović, Luca Caviglione, Ryan Kastner, Standa Böhm, Francesco Regazzoni
– 4 keynotes
– 7 lectures
– 3 hands-on sessions
– 1 interactive workshop
– 1 poster session
– 9 coffee breaks and
– 1 farewell party.
More info about the conference here
22 June, 2022
EVEREST workshop at HIPEAC
23 May, 2022
EVEREST PRoject Review
Almost thirty people are currently undergoing the review of the EVEREST Project, taking place online. The consortium of the EVEREST Project presents the results achieved during the first half of the project and answers the curious questions of the European Commission reviewers.
10 May, 2022
Accept our invitation to PhD Summer School! Theme: Extreme-scale big data analytics and scientific computing on heterogeneous platforms
Location: Villa Grumello, Lake Como, Italy
Dates: September 26-30, 2022
More info:
5 May, 2022

27 April, 2022
EVEREST at Politecnico di Torino

22 April, 2022

18 March, 2022
EVEREST at date 2022
EVEREST workshop on “Data-driven applications for industrial and societal challenges: Problems, methods, & computing platforms”, supported by TU Dresden at DATE conference.
24 - 25 February, 2022
EVEREst meeting (virtual)
We all gathered virtually to join the EVEREST project meeting. The aim of this online gathering is to coordinate all necessary work to reach the milestone at the end of March and to discuss plans for the EVEREST interim review meeting which will be held in May 2022.
15 February, 2022
EVEREst Webinar kick off
Kicking off the EVEREST project webinar on platforms for extreme-scale Data Analytics, Christian Pilato
shows how the technologies power RenewableEnergy, AirQuality and TrafficModelling use cases.
29 November - 3 December 2021
EVEREST at Big Data Value Forum
We are preparing a session called “Everest: High-Performance, Distributed, Reconfigurable and Heterogeneous Platforms for Extreme-Scale Data Analytics”. Find more info about the session and register here:
15-18 November 2021
Presenting EVEREST project at Supercomputing Conference 2021
We are present at the hybrid meeting of the EVEREST Project. We have gathered Politecnico di Milano and online with the same mission. We are here to exchange information, to join in discussions, and to plan our activities for the next months to successfully cooperate and share the results.
28 September 2021
EVEREST Meeting at polimi
We are present at the hybrid meeting of the project EVEREST. We have gathered at Polimi and online with the same mission. We are here to exchange information, to join in discussions, and to plan our activities for the next months to successfully cooperate and share the results.
7 September 2021
Joint TUD-PDM paper presented at HPCFPGA2021
Karl Friebel presented the first joint research paper in EVEREST at the FPGA for HPC Workshop 2021. This work describes a DSL-to-bitstream flow that automates the porting of scientific application onto FPGA-based systems.
3 September 2021
EVEREST mentioned in the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) seminar
Stephanie Soldavini presented her work in a seminar organized by the Rochester Institute of Technology. She also presented how it fits into the EVEREST global picture.
30 August 2021
EVEREST presented at cloudFPGA DevOps.
Michele Paolino and Christian Pilato presented the EVEREST SDK as a potential solution to ease the use of complex FPGA-based platforms, like IBM cloud FPGA.
The cloud FPGA DevOps workshop is part of the FPL 2021 program.
6 July 2021
A digital event: The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference
Date: July 9, 2021 at 16:30 CEST
Presenter: Jeronimo Castrillon
Keynote: Domain Specific Languages to Tame Heterogeneous and Emerging Computing Systems
More info:
17 June 2021
EVEREST on Hipeac Magazine

What are the aims of the EVEREST project? How the EVEREST approach is going to be validated? Who cooperates on the EVEREST project?
The latest issue of the HiPEACinfo magazine brings the information to all these questions.
Read the article here:
5 February 2021
eveREST AT THE DATE 2021 Conference
The EVEREST project participated with a booth at the exhibition of the IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE) 2021, 1-5 February 2021, Virtual Event.
Christian Pilato presented the paper “EVEREST: A design environment for extreme-scale big data analytics on heterogeneous platforms” at the IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE) 2021.
1 October 2020
Virtual Kick Off Meeting

The EVEREST kick off meeting was organized on the 1st October 2020 as Virtual Event.
A big thanks to all the partners for their participation! Looking forward to a fruitful cooperation.