Founded in 2000, NUMTECH is a French SME specialised in the field of air quality and meteorological simulations. NUMTECH became leader in France on the weather and atmospheric dispersion modelling.Its customers are mainly large groups (TOTAL, EDF, Suez Environment, Rhodia-Solvay, Michelin, Arcelor Mittal, Veolia, …), local and regional authorities (cities, regions) and organizations / research institutes (CEA, INERIS, InVS, DGA).
NUMTECH has many references in the following areas:
•The modelling and evaluation of the impact of air emissions (industrial site, traffic, etc.) releases which are chronic or accidental.
•The modelling of air quality of the urban scale to regional scale.
•Health impact assessment of the air quality.
•The analysis of weather and the weather forecasting.
•In the development of software tools specific in the field of meteorological and atmospheric dispersion.
For this purpose, NUMTECH has developed and use effective and innovative digital tools. These tools integrate different software modules for specific requirements: impact of industrial activities on the environment, monitoring air quality, industrial risk management, modelling weather patterns. The company also has important computing means (dedicated servers and large clusters) and is working to propose SaaS solutions based on HPC cloud.
Fabien Brocheton (Male) has 22 years ofexperience on meteorological and air pollution modelling. He is the General Manager of NUMTECH and act as its Technical Director. He will involve as the main contact (administrative and technical ones) for NUMTECH, as internal project manager, and as expert of different topic. He was involved in more than 20 collaborative research projects (French or European) as project manager and expert for NUMTECH. He has a PhD in atmospheric chemistry modelling, and has work during 6 years at the National Reseach Center of Meteo France in air-quality team before to join NUMTECH. He is administrator of TERATEC association and of AXELERA competitiveness cluster.
David Poulet (Male) has 22 years of experience on meteorological and air pollution modelling. He has a PhD in atmospheric physic. He is the R&D expert in terms of meteorological and air dispersion modelling at NUMTECH. He was involved in all the NUMTECH R&D projects since its creation
MAIN activities
NUMTECH provides the atmospheric dispersion model forthe use case on air-quality management around industrial sites, managed together with CIMA which will provide high resolution weather simulation. NUMTECH will apply machine learning methods in order to combine deterministic weather simulations and local observations in order to improve local weather forecast required to manage air-quality due to release of industrial sites. NUMTECH is also the leader of Task 6.1 about the development of each application use cases.velopment of each
application use cases.