Established to manage the Group’s investments in facilities for the production of energy from renewable sources, it has subsequently focused on the sale of electric power and gas for all market segments.The company ranks 9th in Italy for energy volumes (Power 5350 GWh -Gas 412 mlnmc).Duferco classified as an all-round operator in the energy supply chain, from production to trading, to supply to final consumers. DUFERCO ENERGIA (DUF) develops energy solutions, supply products and services for Italian enterprises, the condominium segment and households. The company’s includes a wide range of services characterized by an advice-giving approach aimed at optimizing the costs related to supply, efficiency improvement projects and energy renovation. The development of an economic policy based on sustainable growth is one of the goals driving the DUF business model. In this area, the company develops energy renovation projects across all market segments and is particularly active in sustainable mobility. DUFis also one of the top Italian private operator that provides charging services for electric cars covering more than 100 Italian cities and owning over 16.000 charging points in Italy and 128.000 in all Europe.
Website: https://www.duferco.com/
Lorenzo Pittaluga(male) received his degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Genoa in 2000. He has an international experience and he has been working in the energy industry for 13 years.His experience in DUF started in 2012 as Head of Portfolio Management, when the company was a start up in the retail power and gas Italian market. Beyond portfolio management, in 2016, he was entrusted with the task of starting trading on power and gas. He had to set up the operation (risk management, models to support decisions) and the organization (hiring of traders and analysts) of a cross commodity trading desk, which is now active in physical and financial continental Europe power and gas and in carbon permits market.He shaped the setup of the models for P&L reporting, for pricing, for hedging and optimizing the retail portfolio. He is currently Head of Trading & Portfolio Management at DUF SpA and a director of the board of Duferco Hellas.
Riccardo Cevasco(male) received a degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Genoa in 2003 and joined Duferco in 2011, after an experience of 6 years in EGL (now Axpo).From the early stages of development of the company he was in charge of the operations expected by power grid owners contracts and TSO contracts for the supply and dispatching of final customers and producers.He is responsible for the forecasting of power consumption and power generation to schedule in the short term markets for procurement and sales.He is currently Responsible for Metering and Forecasting for power and gas portfolio.
Matteo Grasso(male) has a degree in Computer Science from University of Genoa. He is Research Fellow at MaLGa –Machine Learning Genoa Center, University of Genoa.He has joined DUF this year, after 1 year of work experience in Data Science field.
Guido Rusca(male) received a degree in Transport and Logistics Engineering at the University of Genoa in 2013.He joined DUF in 2014 and is main task is metering and short term forecasting of power customers and power producers dispatched by DUF.
Linda Colletti(female) received her University Degree in Mathematics in 2011 and joined DUF in 2016. She is currently Market Analyst (power and gas) and her tasks include forecast models design for prices, consumption and other variables related to trading
MAIN activities
DUF develops the application for the use case about wind energy prediction, managed together with CIMA which provides high resolution weather simulation improved with data assimilation.DUF will apply machine learning methods in order to combine deterministic weather simulations with local observations by different wind farms.The target is a forecasting tool for the hourly generation of wind farms to schedule in the short term markets.